Take Upper level of the George Washington Bridge and stay in the right lane.
At the end of the bridge turn right (at the sign) to Palisades Parkway.
At Palisades Parkway get to Exit 9W (not to be confused with the road 9W).
Pull over to the Exit 9W. It brings to the road 87N (North).
On the road 87N drive to the Exit 20, Saugerties.
After paying Toll on Exit 20, at the traffic lights turn left onto the road 212W and drive about 2 miles to the green sign with the name of the village CENTERVILLE.
Before this sign turn right onto OLD Rt.212 and drive about 500 feet to SOLWAY ROAD on the right.
Turn to SOLWAY ROAD and proceed 100 feet to the Camp’s FAIRYLAND office.